Friday, September 24, 2004

keny and i went for a drive out to the middle of nowhere the other day. we ended up around bayou lafourche in north louisiana. it's been really dry lately so there wasnt too much to see.


Blogger Talbot Troy said...

I grew up playing tennis in the dead of summer on clay courts surrounded by those bayous. Sometimes the water table would rise just a little and the courts would get a bit soggy. The moist clay and the hot sun would steam us in heavy air. I remember one day feeling that all the tennis courts must have sunk deeper into the swamp during the course of the morning - to the point that we were in a sort of bowl, the walls of which deprived us of any relief from the wind. The humidity was relentless. If we played at night, we sweated the same, the air was just as heavy. But instead of the blazing hot sun soaking into my dark hair, there were the bugs drawn to the lights, clicking and buzzing, flying spastic helixes, crash landing by our feet, shaking off the stun of the impact, and regaining flight.

Now, I play tennis in the smog of Los Angeles.

10:48 PM  
Blogger w. warner said...

Damn, but all you Troys write well!

2:47 PM  

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