i'll post this one too. my little brother just left for the outward bound program about a week ago. he came over the night before he left and played nintendo. joshua is the one on the right by the way. the one in the nypd shirt is his best friend (he's basically my brother) ryan. anyway, fun times before he left.
Is that the old, original, two-dinensional, inimitably cool Nintendo from back in the days when video games were actually fun to play?
none other than! back when games moved from left to right on the screen and there was no going back! i think they were playing battletoads when i shot that pic.
Never could hack Battletoads. Still got the Startropics game?
startropics, all the marios, paperboy, skate or die, teenage mutant ninja turtles, you name it i've got it.
You got Paperboy, too? Transplendant!
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